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GREEN WATER (opaque)

If, like more than 60% of pool owners, you have problems with green water *, don't panic !


hth®  will help you to get rid of unsightly algae so that your water is once again crystal-clear.

Les causes possibles

- Presence of green algae

​- Over-stabilisation


The stabiliser rate in the pool water must not exceed 75 mg/l. The stabiliser is contained in so-called "standard" chlorines, but does not dissolve in water.


When there is too much in the pool, the chlorine molecules' disinfecting power is slowed or even "blocked", which allows micro-organisms, such as algae, to proliferate, turning the water green:this is the phenomenon of over-stabilisation.


If we then add stabilised chlorine, instead of solving the problem we make it worse by further increasing the quantity of stabiliser.

Les conseils de traitement

Presence of green algae:


  • Clean the swimming pool using a vacuum broom and tip the algae into the sewer system.
  • Clean the filter and if you discover that it contains algae, treat the sand with hth®  FILTERWASH.
  • Also brush the walls of the pool.
  • Adjust the pH to between 7.0 and 7.4 with hth®  pH MINUS MICRO-BALLS.
  • Use an anti-algae treatment that is preferably non-foaming like hth®  YELLOW SHOCK then perform a shock chlorination treatment with hth®  SHOCK® Powder  before rinsing and washing the filter.




  • Ask a pool specialist to check the stabiliser content. There must be less than 75 mg/l. 
  • If this is not the case, partially or completely drain the pool depending on the amount measured.
  • After refilling the pool to the correct level, adjust the pH level to between 7.0 and 7.4 with hth®  pH MINUS MICRO-BALLS.
  • Then perform a shock chlorination treatment with hth®  SHOCK® Powder that contains calcium hypochlorite (or unstabilised chlorine).
  • To avoid a re-occurrence of this problem, we recommend regularly disinfecting your pool with hth®  STICK that contains unstabilised chlorine, also known as calcium hypochlorite (when there is no other product in the skimmers).


> To learn more about over-stabilisationconsult our specialist page.


   Did you know?

More than 60% of pool owners have problems with green water*, and often state that this is the most difficult problem that they encounter during the high season.


* Result of a Uses and Attitudes survey conducted by Solenis in 2021

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